Input Types by Count
Shows the distribution of input types per day.0 - moon
moving average
Before 2010 most blocks did not contain any transactions. In the first half of 2010 P2PK inputs dominated until P2PKH inputs overtook. It took till 2015 for a significant percentage of P2SH inputs to be spent. With the activation of SegWit in 2017 the percentage of P2PKH inputs began to decrease. In early 2020 P2PKH inputs accounted for less than 50% of the inputs being spent and Nested and Native SegWit P2WPKH inputs make up more than 40% of all inputs.
Related Charts

Output Types by Count
Shows the distribution of output types by output count per day.
Output Types by Value
Shows the distribution of output types by output value per day.
Multisig Input Types
Shows the distribution of multisig spends for each input type per day.